Welcome to Euro Diesel Tank!
Partner of Di Camillo Serbatoi Srl, a company specialized in the production of diesel tanks.
Di Camillo Serbatoi Srl since 1959 is engaged in the design and manufacture of tanks for storage and storage of fuel, fuel oil and liquid food. The company is present throughout the national territory, and for some years also operates abroad. The high quality of the workmanship, the reliability of a safe and punctual service and the professionalism of our staff, have helped transform the craft of the past, in a solid and structured entrepreneurial reality. This growth in quantitative terms, Di Camillo Tanks has matched an equal attention to the aspects of quality, achieving over time the goal of certification of its quality system according to the regulations. Always has also paid great attention to safety and environmental protection: a safe workplace and ordered, a perfect maintenance of machines and structures, the full observance of regulations regarding pollution and waste disposal, represent for our reality the conditions necessary to continue to carry out our work with serenity.
Carlo Di Camillo.